YAO Cantonese Restaurant 
NEW YORK, NY 10038
( 917) 265-8119

Celebrating the Moon Festival: YAO NYC Shares Mooncakes with Chinatown Seniors



The Moon Festival, also known as the Mid-Autumn Festival, is a time of family reunions, reflection, and appreciation for the full moon. It’s a cherished tradition in Chinese culture, symbolizing harmony and togetherness. This year, YAO Modern Cantonese Cuisine 富瑤 NYC brought the spirit of the festival to the seniors at the NY Chinatown Senior Center by sharing delicious mooncakes, a traditional delicacy, with heartfelt messages of community and love.

Mooncakes: A Symbol of Togetherness

Mooncakes are an essential part of the Moon Festival celebration. Their round shape represents completeness and unity, while the sweet fillings inside reflect the hope for a prosperous and harmonious future. At YAO NYC, we take pride in honoring these traditions, ensuring that each mooncake is not just a treat but a token of affection for the elders in our community.

This year, YAO Modern Cantonese Cuisine 富瑤 NYC partnered with the NY Chinatown Senior Center, offering mooncakes to the seniors to bring a taste of home and joy to the celebration. The mooncakes were thoughtfully crafted with premium ingredients, symbolizing the richness of life and the deep cultural connections shared during this special festival.

Messages of Love and Unity

Inspired by the spirit of the festival, YAO Modern Cantonese Cuisine 富瑤 NYC shared messages of care and appreciation with the seniors, reminding them of the importance of family and community. As seen in the video, messages such as “祝大家中秋节快乐” (Wishing everyone a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival) and “我们是一个大家庭” (We are one big family) were shared with warmth and sincerity, reflecting the core values of the festival: togetherness and love.

The seniors were delighted, and the gesture was a beautiful reminder of the strength and unity within New York City’s Chinatown community. YAO Modern Cantonese Cuisine 富瑤 NYC’s contribution not only brightened the day of these cherished elders but also reinforced the cultural ties that bind generations together.

Keeping Traditions Alive

In a bustling city like New York, it’s easy to overlook the importance of tradition. YAO Modern Cantonese Cuisine 富瑤 NYC is dedicated to keeping these customs alive, not only by serving authentic and modern Chinese cuisine but also by giving back to the community. The Moon Festival is more than just a holiday—it’s a time to reflect, share, and celebrate the bonds that bring us together.

As we celebrate this year’s Moon Festival, let us remember the joy of sharing mooncakes with loved ones, the warmth of community, and the beauty of a full moon lighting up the sky. YAO Modern Cantonese Cuisine 富瑤 NYC is honored to be part of this celebration, spreading happiness and tradition to the seniors of Chinatown.

Happy Moon Festival to all! May the full moon bring you peace, prosperity, and a sense of togetherness.